David Wylie Associates

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RIBA Chartered Practice

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European Mixed-use luxury development, Croatia

Eco-design - The VAX System:

The VAX (Venturi Air eXtraction) unit enable the natural cooling and natural ventilation without the use of energy unless necessary.  The unit is in two parts - a roof VAX unit and an apartment VAX unit.  The two units are linked with air-shafts through the building.

1 EU11_p2301_09_ss12.jpg (154836 bytes) The VAX roof unit.  The unit draws air from the building using wind to generate negative pressure using the Venturi-effect and by creating buoyancy in its plenum chamber.
2 EU11_p2301_56_eq10.jpg (162106 bytes) The VAX apartment unit draws warm air out of the apartment during warm summer nights allowing the apartment fabric to cool for comfortable daytime and night-time use.  External and internal sensors detect when the system should open and close.
3 EU11_p2301_57_eq10.jpg (169476 bytes) The VAX unit contains an fan so that natural ventilation can by fan-assisted when required.  In extreme circumstances during hot summer weather, cool air can be introduced into the system using air-conditioning.  During winter months the system closes to maintain heating efficiency.
4 EU11_p2301_59_eq10.jpg (130989 bytes) The roof-top VAX unit and apartment VAX units are linked with air ducts.
5 IMG_4691.jpg (105627 bytes) The VAX unit at the experimental house in the UK.

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